About us
MDOIL Limited is a private exploration consultancy established in 2005 with the purpose to assist national and international governments secure investment to explore for helium, hydrogen and hydrocarbons
This has been achieved by helping to build new investment vehicles and companies (East African Exploration, Black Marlin Exploration, CaribX, Adamantine Energy, Cluff Natural Resources, MDOil Limited, Helium Argon Pty Limited and Cluff Energy Africa), through the analysis and digitisation of vintage data sets; providing new geochemical and geological analysis and insight; introduction of new technologies and application of new geological thinking. This has included the opening of the lower Mesozoic source system of the western Indian ocean, determining the origin of the hydrocarbons in the North Sumatra basin, recognition of the Upper Jurassic Durban basin source system and expansion of the Cretaceous regional source system within the greater Caribbean region and the discovery of helium and mapping of anomalies within NW Europe.
MDOIL is owned and managed by Chris Matchette-Downes.
Profile & key information
- Ten year's geological geochemical scientific / technical experience, including five years at the well-site
- Twenty year's global E&P business development, UK/Europe, Africa, Near, Middle and Far East, Australia and North & Central America
- Built G&G teams, secured UKCS, East & West African and Central American blocks
- Set up & promoted Jamaica's 1st and 2nd oil & gas exploration rounds
- Managing for TPDC, the promotion of the 3rd Tanzanian round in 2005
- Founder, owner and director of MDOIL Limited
- Founder member of EAX, CaribX, Adamantine Energy & HRL
- Identified, confirmed and pursued exploration opportunities for the Lower Mesozoic Western Indian Ocean oil & gas play
- Identified, confirmed and pursued exploration opportunities for the greater Upper Nicaraguan oil & play
- CGeol., MSc., BSc.